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Plant Growth and Development Biology MCQ for NEET

Plant Growth and Development Biology MCQ for NEET

Plant Growth and Development Biology MCQ for NEET

Plant growth and development are important processes involving cellular activities that lead to an increase in size and complexity of the plant body. Growth is defined as permanent increase in size and volume due to cell division and enlargement. It occurs in specific regions called meristems, which are present at the tips of roots and shoots (apical meristems) and along the sides (lateral meristems). This process is influenced by various factors, including light, water, temperature and nutrients.

Development, on the other hand, refers to the progression of plants through different stages of life, from seed germination to senescence. It encompasses not only growth but also differentiation, where cells become specialized to perform specific functions. During development, plants undergo morphogenesis, forming structures like leaves, flowers and fruits. This process is tightly regulated by genetic and environmental factors, ensuring that plants adapt to their surroundings and optimize their growth for survival and reproduction.

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Plant Growth and Development Biology MCQ for NEET

The topic of “Plant Growth and Development” is an important part of the NEET syllabus. It forms the foundation for understanding the complex physiological processes that govern plant life. This area covers essential concepts such as the stages of plant growth, the roles of various hormones and the environmental factors that influence development. A strong grasp of these principles is vital for aspiring medical students, as it enhances their understanding of broader biological systems and their interconnectedness.

Moreover, knowledge of plant growth and development has practical applications in agriculture, biotechnologyand environmental science. Understanding how plants grow and respond to their environment can lead to innovations in crop production, sustainable farming practices and the development of new medicinal compounds.

Plant Growth and Development Biology MCQ for NEET

Q1. Plant growth is unique because
A) plants bear the capacity for unlimited growth
B) plants bear the capacity for limited growth
C) plants have diffused growth that differs from animals
D) None of the above
Answer. A
Explanation: (a) Plant growth is unique as plants have the capacity for unlimited growth, which is mainly due to the presence of meristematic cells at certain locations in their body.
Q2. Identify A, B, C and D in the given figure and choose the correct option.
A) A - Hypocotyl, B - Cotyledon, C - Seed coat, D - Epicotyl hook
B) A - Epicotyl, B - Cotyledon, C - Hypocotyl, D - Seed coat
C) A - Epicotyl, B - Seed coat, C - Hypocotyl, D - Cotyledon
D) A - Hypocotyl, B - Seed coat, C - Epicotyl, D - Cotyledon
Answer. A
Q3. The cells of \( \ldots\) have the capacity to divide and self-perpetuate.
A) permanent tissue
B) quiescent centre
C) meristems
D) subapical part
Answer. C
Q4. The type of growth where new cells are always being added to the plant body by the activity of meristem is called
A) closed form of growth
B) diffused form of growth
C) open form of growth
D) discontinuous form of growth
Answer. C
Q5. The tissues responsible for secondary growth in plants are
A) vascular cambium
B) cork cambium
C) lateral meristem
D) All of these
Answer. D
Explanation: (d) The tissues responsible for secondary growth in plants are vascular cambium, cork cambium and lateral meristem. Secondary growth in plants mainly pertains to an increase in the girth of plants (organs). It occurs in dicotyledonous plants and gymnosperms.
Q6. Growth at cellular level is the increase in the amount of
A) cell wall
B) cell membrane
C) protoplasm
D) All of these
Answer. C
Explanation: (c) Growth at cellular level principally occurs due to an increase in the amount of protoplasm.
Q7. The period of growth does not include
A) meristematic phase
B) elongation phase
C) death phase
D) maturation phase
Answer. C
Explanation: (c) Death is not included in the period of growth. It is the permanent cessation of all biological functions that sustain a living organism. The period of growth is generally divided into three phases namely, meristematic, elongation and maturation phases.
Q8. Identify A and B in the given figure and choose the correct option.
A) A - Root apical meristem; B - Shoot apical meristem
B) A - Shoot apical meristem; B - Root apical meristem
C) A - Permanent tissue; \(\quad \ \) B - Radicle tissue
D) A - Radicle tissue; \(\quad \quad \ \ \) B - Apical tissue
Answer. B
Q9. The cells in the root and shoot apex
A) are rich in protoplasm
B) have conspicuous nuclei
C) have cell walls which are primary in nature, thin and cellulosic with abundant plasmodesmatal connections
D) All of the above
Answer. D
Q10. Constantly dividing cells, both at the root apex and shoot apex represent
A) elongation phase of the growth
B) meristematic phase of the growth
C) maturation phase of the growth
D) None of the above
Answer. B
Explanation: (b) The constantly dividing cells present at the root apex and shoot apex represent the meristematic phase or formative or cell formation phase of growth.

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FAQs about Plant Growth and Development

1.What is plant growth and development?

Answer. Plant growth and development refer to the processes by which plants increase in size, mature, and undergo differentiation to form various tissues and organs. Growth involves cell division and expansion, while development encompasses the formation of structures and functions.

2. What are the primary factors influencing plant growth?

Answer. The primary factors influencing plant growth include light, water, temperature, nutrients, and atmospheric gases. Each of these factors can affect photosynthesis, respiration and overall plant health.

3. What are the main plant hormones involved in growth and development?

Answer. The main plant hormones are:

  • Auxins: Promote cell elongation and are involved in apical dominance.
  • Gibberellins: Stimulate stem elongation, seed germination, and flowering.
  • Cytokinins: Promote cell division and can delay leaf senescence.
  • Abscisic Acid (ABA): Inhibits growth and helps plants respond to stress.
  • Ethylene: Influences fruit ripening and leaf abscission.

4. What is phototropism and how does it work?

Answer. Phototropism is the growth response of plants towards or away from light. It is primarily mediated by auxins. When light is detected, auxins move to the shaded side of the plant, causing cells to elongate more on that side and resulting in the plant bending towards the light.

5. What is the difference between primary and secondary growth in plants?

Answer. Primary growth refers to the elongation of stems and roots, which occurs at the apical meristems (tips of shoots and roots). Secondary growth refers to the increase in thickness or girth of stems and roots, which occurs in the lateral meristems (cambium).

6. How do plants respond to environmental stress?

Answer. Plants respond to environmental stress through various mechanisms such as altering their growth patterns, producing stress hormones like abscisic acid and activating stress-responsive genes. They may also develop physical adaptations like thicker cuticles or deeper root systems.

7. What is the role of photosynthesis in plant growth?

Answer. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert light energy into chemical energy stored in glucose. This process provides the energy and organic compounds necessary for growth, development and overall metabolism.

8. How do plants regulate water loss?

Answer. Plants regulate water loss through structures like stomata and the cuticle. Stomata are small openings on leaves that can open or close to control gas exchange and water loss. The cuticle is a waxy layer on the surface of leaves that reduces water evaporation.

9. What is the significance of seed dormancy?

Answer. Seed dormancy is a period during which seeds remain inactive and do not germinate, even under favorable conditions. This mechanism helps seeds avoid germinating during unfavorable conditions and ensures they only sprout when the environment is suitable for growth.

10. How do plants undergo flowering and what triggers it?

Answer. Flowering is triggered by various environmental signals, such as light duration (photoperiod), temperature and water availability. Flowering is regulated by genes and hormones that initiate the transition from vegetative growth to reproductive development

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